The Global Scaling is committed to “space energy” technologies and other “innovative energy technologies” (see definitions). As an introduction to the subject, I would like to explain below what these technologies are, why we need them in the current energy situation, and what their position is in relation to known renewable energies.

We need other types of renewable energies
The need to switch to sustainable, renewable and emission-free energy sources has been evident for some time. Although it is not yet imminent, fossil fuel reserves are likely to be depleted, so it is high time to look for alternatives. It has been known for some time that fossil fuel reserves will run out in the foreseeable future, although it is not yet clear whether this will happen in 50, 100 or perhaps only in 200 years. This would be the case even if consumption were to remain constant, but as the number of countries that are about to industrialise and claim the energy-consuming blessings of modern civilisation increases – especially China, the most populous country in the world and the one with the richest economic potential, is a significant factor here – we must expect a sharp rise in energy demand. The extent to which this could happen can be estimated if one considers that global energy consumption at the beginning of the 21st century is ten times higher than it was at the beginning of the 20th century.
However, it is becoming increasingly clear that it is not so much dwindling reserves that are the main limiting factor in the use of fossil fuels, but rather the ecological consequences of their use for the environment and the political risks of dependence on oil-producing countries. Climate scientists have made it clear that only a quarter of existing fossil resources may be used at all if we do not want to exceed the maximum tolerable global temperature increase (about 1º C). As the Climate Change Report of the UK Royal Commission on the Environment in June 2000 noted, carbon dioxide concentrations are already higher today than they have probably been for the last 3 million years. Even if we stopped burning fossil fuels today, it would take the climate around a hundred years to recover from the aftermath of the last century. As far as dependence on oil-producing countries is concerned, the events on and since 11 September 2001 have drastically highlighted and made even more urgent the need for efforts to achieve independence from imported oil and alternative energy sources. One of the many incalculable risks of the current “war on terrorism” is probably the threat to the oil supply from the Islamic states, especially Saudi Arabia, which covers over 12% of the world market and where ? of the known oil reserves are stored.
It has also become clear that the existing “conventional” renewable and low-emission energy sources (solar, wind and tidal energy as well as biomass) have only limited potential, only cover a small part of the increasing energy demand and therefore cannot fully replace fossil fuels. We need other renewable energies that can cover more than a few percent of our needs, whose yield is not subject to such strong fluctuations as solar and wind energy, and which use as few raw materials as possible and do not cause harmful emissions. At present, great hopes are being placed in hydrogen technologies in this respect, but even energy production with fuel cells is still too expensive and the production of hydrogen is not yet efficient and environmentally friendly enough.
Unconventional renewable energie
However, there is another, less well-known type of renewable energy besides conventional energy from solar, wind and tidal power as well as biomass, the “unconventional renewable energies”, so to speak. This new type of technology, still little known to the public, could possibly replace fossil fuels in the medium or long term. Gerald Celente, the editor of the American business magazine “Trends Journal” and director of the “Trends Research Institute” in Rhinebeck, New York, wrote in his journal five years ago:
“the major advances in the energy sector today do not come from the unfulfillable promises of the solar and wind energy industry or the problematic fuel cell technology, but from the visionary research efforts in the fields of low-temperature nuclear reactions, zero-point energy and hydrocatalytic hydrogen energy” (Celente, 1999-2000),
Celente, who had previously predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union, is convinced that this energy revolution will prove to be the top trend of the 21st century. Of all the upheavals that the new century will bring, the availability of completely new energy sources will prove to be the biggest revolution. Somewhat euphorically, he believes that the dependence on coal and oil, worldwide environmental pollution, global warming and political influence by the oil powers will come to an end, and from the ruins of the dying industrial age with its fossil fuels a new globally determined age will emerge, based on energy machines that operate free of charge. However, the new technology, which would bring about a much more far-reaching revolution than the technological innovations of the last two centuries, would pose such a fundamental challenge to the scientific establishment that it would hardly be prepared to accept such a change quickly. The Trends Research Institute is a well-known futurology institute that researches and evaluates the most important social, economic and political trends for company managers to support them in their decisions on company policy.
Apart from its perhaps not entirely realistic optimism and the unnecessary polemic against conventional renewable energies, the reference of the renowned futurology institute to a new type of renewable energy that has so far been hardly noticed by the public and its potential to usher in a new era of energy production seems to me to be entirely justified.
Unconventional energy research
The three technologies mentioned by the Trends Journal, along with a few other processes, belong to a field of unconventional energy research that has existed for several decades. As early as 1900, the Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla, who can be regarded as the father of this field (see History of Space Energy Research), warned of the dangers of one-sided dependence on fossil fuels and of the consequences of their inefficient combustion for future generations and predicted that one would soon switch to “fuel-free” energy production. There are better ways of generating energy than burning fossil fuels, he said.
“Before many generations pass, our machinery will be powered by energy available at every point in the universe – it is only a matter of time when man will have successfully connected his machinery to the machinery of nature itself” (Tesla, 1900).
Since the 1920s, a very active and creative scene of inventors has developed worldwide – and not least in Germany and other German-speaking countries – who are trying to implement Tesla’s suggestion in a variety of unconventional energy technologies; sometimes referred to as “free energy”. This name refers to Tesla’s idea that there is a free energy available everywhere that can be tapped at low cost and without the consumption of substances. According to Thomas Valone, the term “free energy” is used to describe “methods of energy production”, “in which the energy produced (the output) measurably exceeds the energy spent on energy production (the input) (the so-called “overunity effect”) and thus appears to be able to activate any potential energy in the environment” (Valone, 1991). In principle, one can already count some conventional examples of this, such as the heat pump, solar and wind energy, the conversion of thermal and tidal energy from the sea and any kind of use of ambient heat.
In the border areas of science, however, another type of “free energy” technologies play a greater role, the “unconventional energy technologies”. According to Valone, these are “unusual or unique methods of energy production that anticipate or require further development of theoretical physics” (Valone, 1991). In this context, the term “free energy” often refers to energy production from the so-called “vacuum” (the “empty space”) – then we are dealing with the actual “space energy technologies” in the narrower sense.
The energy of space
According to the latest physical findings, this “empty space” is not empty at all, but full of energy. This is the statement of the theory of the so-called “zero point energy” of the vacuum, which became known in the late 1980s through the work of the American physicist Harold Puthoff (Puthoff, 1989, 1990; Cole & Puthoff, 1993) and which is also one of the most important explanatory hypotheses used by inventors of the “free energy scene”. This theory, as well as certain extensions of electromagnetic theory, or quantum mechanics and relativity theory, in recent years make the possibility of energy production from a vacuum plausible (see “Theoretical-Physical Background of Innovative Energy Technologies”). This vacuum energy corresponds to Tesla’s “energy that is available at any point in the universe”, which he sometimes called “the (ambient) medium”, and which is also called “space energy” in the free energy scene (see e.g. Moray, 1978; Mielordt, 1984; King, 1989, 1990a,b; Schneider, 1989, 2000; Hathaway, 1991a,b; Bischof, 1985).
However, the terms “free energy” and “space energy” are often also used for processes in which functional principles other than the use of space energy are also possible, i.e. they serve as collective terms for all unconventional energy technologies. In this sense, these terms are also used by the DVR to designate the technologies whose promotion is its concern and purpose of the association. The fact that the DVR today uses the term “space energy” in the name of the association, although it does not cover the entire area in which the association is active, has largely historical reasons. For many unconventional energy technologies, the exact mechanism of operation has not yet been clarified anyway, or cannot be explained by known scientific principles, so that it must remain open whether or not it is a question of using spatial energy.
As Valone’s definition implies, unconventional energy technologies are often either developed on the basis of unconventional, not generally accepted physical theories or give rise to them. For this reason, there are close links between the inventor scene in the field of innovative or unconventional energy technologies and the developers of unconventional scientific theories (see Current situation of spatial energy research and development).
What are the unconventional “free energy” technologies ?
Now, of course, we would like to know more about these unconventional “free energy” energy technologies, which are so highly anticipated by many. They are an inhomogeneous group of very different technologies which, according to Keith Tutt, author of the recent American report on the subject, have one thing in common – they are generally fuel-free technologies that do not consume any substance to produce energy (Tutt, 2001). It should be added that what they have in common is above all the requirement to produce surplus energy (overunity effect). Some of them use the fuels in a very efficient way or try to feed waste heat or other unused energy of the system back into the drive of the system, thus creating a self-sustaining process that also generates energy and/or work output. Others seek ways to use previously unused energy from the environment, especially heat. In addition to processes that generate energy in a novel way, there are also those that improve the efficiency of known energy-generating or energy-consuming processes. A considerable group of inventions deals with corresponding improvements for passenger car and truck engines, from fuel additives and modifications to drives based on novel principles.
The processes of innovative energy technology
The generic term “innovative energy technologies” – in other words, the area to which the DPR is committed – includes, in addition to the newer areas mentioned by Celente
(1) Low-temperature nuclear reactions, known as “cold fusion” and also called chemically assisted nuclear reactions (CANR) (e.g. cold fusion, Patterson Cell), which
(2) hydrocatalytic hydrogen energy, in which plasma generation also plays a role in some cases (e.g. Brown’s Gas, Stanley Meyer’s Water Fuel Cell, Kanarev’s Plasma Electrolysis), and
(3) Zero point energy
today three of the most important groups of technologies with the greatest potential, there is a whole range of other functional principles, some of which have been in use for some time (supplemented and modified according to Schneider, 1989; Bischof, 1993).
These include, among others:
(4) Plasma reactors (Correas PAGD, Chernetsky, GEET by Pantone)
(5), high-density charge cluster technology, also called condensed charge technology or EV technology (Ken Shoulders)
(6) Magnetic systems, which work with certain arrangements of magnets and exploit hitherto little known effects of magnetic fields. According to Schneider (1989) either
(6a) converts mechanical energy into electrical energy;
(6b) generates mechanical energy from the magnetic field by using the attraction or repulsion force of strong permanent magnets;
(6c) directly generates electrical energy from rotating magnetic fields (this subheading includes the so-called “N-machine” of Bruce de Palma);
(6d) generates electrical energy by periodic variation of magnetic fields in time or space (as in the so-called “Kromrey machine” from Geneva); or
(6e) Energy is recovered from the process of remagnetization (this principle is used e.g. in an invention of the Viennese engineer Franz Seidl).
(6f) the generation of electrical energy, discovered by the Japanese physicist Shinichi Seike, by means of strong magnetic fields, which are arranged in a special topology and have unusual effects. Seike’s apparatuses should be able to generate an anti-gravity field instead of electricity.
Non-magnetic principles are the generation of energy by
(7) Electrostatics, where resonance tuning plays a role (Swiss “Testatika” machine, Hyde generator)
(8) by means of thermogenerators (e.g. Potapov’s “Yusmar” process, Hydrosonic Pump by Griggs)
(9 ) Solid state systems without moving parts (e.g. the Hutchinson and Hyde generators, MEG by Thomas E. Bearden),
(10) Electrogravity (Thomas Townsend Brown’s gravity reducing capacitors and John Searl’s flying disc)
(11) the analogous magnetogravitation used in an invention by William Hooper. In the latter, a strong induced electric field generates an attractive or repulsive force on electrically neutral matter, depending on the current intensity. This force cannot be shielded.
(12) by generating water or air vortices (Schauberger-Technologies, Evert Fluid Technology, Frank Polifkas Windhexe).
(13) from Schweizer Online Casino – how to generate a lot of energy from nothing.
This overview is not complete and is only to give a first impression. As it tries to summarize procedures in groups, it can not cover all procedures, besides there are procedures, which could be classified into several of these groups. A more complete overview of the processes of innovative energy technologies will be made available here later under “Processes”.
A critical presentation of the concrete conditions for the technical and social implementation of these technologies can be found under “Current situation of spatial energy research and development”.
Bischof, M. (1985) Nikola Tesla – a shaman of the 20th century. In: Our soul can fly. Verlag im Waldgut, Wald, Switzerland, p.7-31. new edition expected 2005, Drachen-Verlag, Klein Jasedow.
Bischof, M. (1993) Electricity from nowhere ? Esotera, issue 11, 92-97. 1998 updated version can be found under the title “Energy from space – crazy dream or real possibility ?” at
Celente, G. (1999-2000) New energy revolution. Trends Journal, Winter 1999/2000.
Cole, D.C., Puthoff, H.E. (1993) Extracting energy and heat from the vacuum. Physical Review E, 48 (2), 1562-1565.
Hathaway, G. (1991a) Zero-point energy: A new prime mover ? Engineering requirements fore Energy production & propulsion from vacuum fluctuations. Proceedings of the 26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), August 4-9, 1991, Boston, Vol.4, 376-381.
— (1991b) An engineering introduction to vacuum energy. In: S.R.Elswick (ed.): Proceedings 1990 International Tesla Symposium. International Tesla Society, Colorado Springs 1991, 5-29 to 5-50.
King, M.B. (1989) Tapping the Zero-Point Energy. Paraclete Publishing, Provo, UT.
— (1990a) Can the zero-point energy be tapped as an energy source ? In: Aspden, H., guest editor (1990) Special Issue on Speculations in Energy. Speculations in Science and Technology, 13 (4) 259-266.
— Tapping the zero-point energy as an energy source. 26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC) Proceedings, 4, 364-369.
— (1992) Progress and results in zero-point energy research. 27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC) Proceedings, 4, 4.297-4.302. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA.
Mielordt, S. (1984) Tachyon Energy, Hyperenergy, Antigravity – Compendium Hypertechnology. 4th ed. Raum & Zeit Verlag, Gehrden.
Moray, T.H. (1978) The Sea of Energy . 4th rev. ed. Cosray Research Institute, Salt Lake City, UT.
Puthoff, H.E. (1989) Source of vacuum electromagnetic zero-point energy. Physical Review A, 40 (9) 4857-4862.
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Schneider, A. (1989) Energies from the cosmos. Theoretical and practical foundations of a new technology. Jupiter Publishing House, Thun.
Schneider, A. and I. (2000) Energy from space. The secret of a new energy source. Jupiter publishing house, Egerkingen/Switzerland.
Tesla, N. (1900) The Problem of Increasing Human Energy. Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, June 1900.
Tutt, K. (2001) The Search for Free Energy. Simon & Schuster UK, London.
Valone, T. (1991) Non-conventional energy and propulsion methods. Proceedings of the 26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), August 4-9, 1991, Boston, Vol.4, 439-444.